Mozart Listening Clues

  1. Is there a common theme or motive heard throughout "Variations on Ah vous dirais-je, Maman, K.265?" (For an extra clue, click here.)
  2. What happens to the theme in "Variations on Ah vous dirais-je, Maman, K.265?" What is the form of this selection?  (Choose from the forms discussed in class or found on the definitions page)
  3. Compare the number of instrumental parts involved in the "Variations" piece with that of the second. Is the texture more involved or less?
  4. What term can be used to describe the form of "Symphony no. 40, Mvt. I?" (For an extra clue, click here.)
  5. Based on what you know about how the scale of Mozart's works progressed, which selection do you think came first? (Bonus points for finding supporting information on another website)

Mozart's Symphony No. 40, Movement 1

Right-click the link below to download a MIDI file for listening.

Mozart Sample 1

Mozart's Theme and Variations on "Ah vous dirais-je, Maman"

Right-click the link below to download a MIDI file for listening.

Mozart Sample 2

